The cruelty of removing claws in cats


The cruelty of removing claws in cats


The cruelty of removing claws in cats

Cats use their claws on various scales. Claws are important for cats, the vehicle is an essential element of balance. If you've ever noticed a cat jump and cling to a high object, you've probably noticed that it uses its claws to get up. When climbing trees, cats tend to use their claws to cling to the bark and climb towards their objective.


Cats also use their claws to stretch, walk and run. Claws are also the cat's main source of defense against other animals and humans. Most cats keep their claws extremely sharp, vehicle their claws and marks are essentially their only weapons. Claws are also essential to use the bathroom, vehicle cats use them to cover their damage with dirt.


Cats also use their claws to scratch objects that mark their territory. Their claws have glands that contain secretion. When they leave their mark on some picked, the secretion is transferred to the area they scraped. This is detectable for other cats, but not for humans. Sometimes they will also scratch some picked to remove the claw in addition to old that will fall and give them a brand new claw that lies underneath.

The Cruelty of Claw Removal


Sad as it may seem, many pet owners choose to place their assets over their cats, such as expensive furniture or rugs. These cat owners are afraid that their cat will damage their furniture or rugs and will therefore choose to have their cat scratched. The extraction of the claws of a cat is a surgical mediation that can only be performed standard by a veterinarian. The owner emanation however needs a good reason, vehicle a veterinarian will not do the operation just to protect his furniture or child carpet.


If you're thinking about having your cat scratched, know that the process can transform its personality. Once the cat is unscratched, it will suffer and be confused. He may not be able to jump out of the window or onto the couch, and he may not be able to play as he once did. Some cats, after being unscratched, tend to become aggressive and bite with their scratches. In short, the cat will be completely miserable, which is difficult to say for those who love their cats.


Those who decide to own cats should know that a cat can scratch occasionally. If someone is not prepared to face this fact, he should not own a cat in the head instead. Cats are excellent pets, although they have claws and occasionally use them. There are many other great pets if you are not ready to handle a cat. If you're only worried about your furniture or carpet, there are ways to keep your cat from scratching your stuff.


The first pick to make is to get your cat a scratch-knife and let it know where it is and remark to use it. You can also get a rush mat, which will help your cat to make its claws. You may first need to show remark using the mat or post, although your cat should get it done quickly. Once you show him the ropes of the trade, he will scratch on the pole or the carpet - not on your furniture or carpet.


Although many don't realize it, there are other ways to protect your belongings than to have your cat scratched. Getting a cat's claws removed is very painful and confusing for the cat, and can transform his vision of things. Before deciding to take the inhuman route of having your cat scratched, you should analyze the other choices available - your cat will like these choices much better.


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