The Caïque: who is he? How to raise this bird at home?


The Caïque: who is he? How to raise this bird at home?


Very intelligent and particularly sociable, the Caicos is an endearing bird brimming with affection. He is a small man who can make himself heard, not least because he likes to play pranks and entertain his audience. Very colorful, this beautiful bird is ideal for all profiles of adopters, from beginners to confirmed, and from singles to families. Discover its characteristics and our advice for raising it at home.


The Caïque, a beautiful intelligent bird


The Caicos is also known as the Black-headed Caicos (Pionites melanocephala) or the White-bellied Caicos (Pionites lecogaster). It's a beautiful, very intelligent, funny, and particularly active animal. Although he is small at 22 to 26 cm, he likes to play clowns to entertain and entertain his entourage.

Originally from South America, Caicos is found in the wild in Guyana, French Guiana, Ecuador, Colombia, Peru, Suriname, Venezuela, and Brazil. This very sociable bird lives as a couple or in a group in the lower tropical forests and swamps.

The Caicos are colorful birds. The head, wings, thighs, and belly are different in color from the rest of the body, but without any real gradient. The black-headed ones have orange or yellow cheeks and a green line under the eyes. The wings and thighs are yellow, the legs and beak are gray and the abdomen is white or beige. The white-bellied have yellow and orange heads with green tails and wings. A little yellow permeates their thighs and their abdomen is white, with pink legs.

A pleasant character

With an average life expectancy between 20 and 30 years when living in a healthy environment, the Caicos is known to attach very strongly to humans. Very sociable, he likes to take a real place in the life of the family and he participates in it by entertaining the gallery with his jokes and dancing little steps. Very intelligent, he quickly learns the tricks that make his audience laugh and has fun repeating them.

The Caicos have a nice melodious song and know-how to imitate those of their environment. They can be noisy and restless, which is why they are not suitable for all families. Sometimes they learn a few simple words in our language and enjoy repeating them.

Curious, the Caiques like to explore their environment and discover new things and they have fun and are interested in everything. Very energetic, they move a lot and play the mischievous and comic. If they have a pleasant character to live with, they can be distant when they do not want to communicate, or even pinch to mark a distance. Similarly, they don't like it in a cage with another kind of bird. feeling threatened they are very aggressive.


How to raise the Caicos at home?


The Caicos is an easy bird to raise, even for beginners. It is suitable for both a family and a single person. It is preferable to adopt a couple, but avoid mixing them with other species, as the Caïcs would not support it and would be aggressive. On the other hand, this bird is very sociable with humans and enjoys establishing a strong relationship with the one or more who take care of it, and who show it love and affection. He is both able to keep quiet with their adoptive families and to be playful.

Do not adopt a Caicos if you do not have time to give it, as it needs contact and exchanges throughout the day to feel fulfilled. However, it can take care of itself for a while, making it suitable for adoption by active people. Although it is not one of the noisiest, it is still a bird that cries out very loud; make sure you can put up with them at home before you commit to twenty years of cohabitation!


A large cage for your well-being


The Caïque will enjoy a large cage or aviary. Don't be fooled by its small size, it is in great need of space! He likes to play and have fun, so he needs some space! However, opt for a secure cage, because this very clever little bird can escape!

Caicos is very active; it is a bird that likes to move more by walking than by flying. Ideally, let him out of his cage about an hour a day to allow him to relax and explore other environments in complete freedom, but under your supervision for better safety.

Make many toys and accessories available for him to use naturally. Arrange mirrors in the cage as well as several perches consisting of branches of varying heights and widths.

A varied and quality diet

The Caiques need fresh fruit (apples, pears, etc.) and fresh vegetables (beets, cress, cabbage, etc.), but also nutritious nuts and beans. For a better diet, complete their diet with extruded pellets. In addition, chia seeds can provide an additional source of essential vitamins and minerals.


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